Monday, March 19, 2018

Do we live in Democracy?

 Here is a link to that Man of the People Tommy Robinson in it he explains how the Media Press and Courts have lied about him  and I am glad to say he is suing them. The Press always complain about their Freedoms but their Freedoms do not give them the right to make Fake News and Lies about someone just with the sole intent of destroying them. The Judiciary, Police and MP's seem to be be complicit  in destroying anything they do not agree me with the excuse it is National Security. I for many years had this idea we live in a Democracy BUT sadly this does not seem the case the EU referendum was won by the Brexit vote Yet its seem most of our MP's want to ignore the will of the people.
Our MP's are out touch with the people once they get elected they go into their little secret cocoon called Parliament and pontificate on what we the people (us plebs) need rather then what we want I do not have any confidence in Parliament. Yet I still have confidence in Local Councillors they at least in touch with local people and local issues, maybe the time is to take away power from MP's and their Civil Servants who are self serving. How about passing legislation down to local Councils? This would work where important issues are voted on by Local Councils i.e. The Government want Tax Reform they would pass this down to local councils they would discuss it vote on it Council. Each Council would have a vote, the number of votes would be dependent on how many people live in the area. The Total of all councils vote would be put together and the decision Parliament would have to be abide by  This would stop the ridiculous situation where in one General Election where SNP got over 35 MP's with less votes then UKIP got and they got one MP
Time for Change we have elected Parliament who ignore the will of the people, we have an unelected House of Lords that ignore the will of the people. Yet will it change NO because those in power like the arrangement which suits them

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