Thursday, April 17, 2008

Are Southern Water Cheats

Dear Editor

In my House I have 4 bedsits have done for some years these are registered with the Council as a Home in Multiple Occupancy, the other day we had some letters delivered by Southern Water demanding money from each of the bedsits which they referred to as Flats. Obviously as an HMO I am responsible for the water supply and bedsits are included as we have a water meter.
The reason I am writing to make people aware of how Southern Water are trying to cheat customers:
1) These so called flats are all in one house, so if they were not individually metered the estimated usage one would have thought should be the same OH NO two were estimated at £525.37p and the others at £437.06p this was for a two year period SO how do southern Water calculate non metered water supply?
2) As the house is metered I know exactly how much was used and it was approx £600 per annum for my private part and the four bedsits. According to Southern Water calculated the four bedsits used £962 approx.
3) £362 more then actually was used, now if these were flats and liable for water rates I would have still to pay £600 and the rest £962.
4) Now in my mind that is a swindle taking £962 from people and supplying no goods
5) The thing that should worry everyone else unless you have a water meter how much are Southern Water cheating you buy

So everyone should get a water meter fitted well I have built some flats and the cost to supply two flats was £2034.58p that was to bring a water pipe approx 10 feet from the main supply in the road to the edge of the property and supply a double meter approx ½ days work for two men. I had to organise the supply from the meter to the flats. I bet you want a water meter now and why does Southern Water want you to have a water meter when they can rip you off with estimates.

Then they have the cheek to tell you not run water when cleaning your teeth. If the government were interested in Green issue they should make it compulsory for Southern Water to supply meters free of charge but then the greedy share holder will not get such a big dividend

Martin Clarke Sittingbourne

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